Friday, June 2, 2017

Jetavana, the second monastery in the Buddha's time

If you read the life of the Awakened One, you will see the two main monasteries where the Buddha stayed. 

The first one was Veluvana in Rājagaha (Pāli), Rajgir or Rājagṛha (ancient name) which was named Pataliputra in later and also was the capital of Magadha Kingdom. According to the Buddhist history, the King Bimbisara built this monastery to offer the Buddha.

The second one was Jetavana in Sāvatthi (Pāli) or Śrāvastī (Sanskrit), the monastery was built by the rich merchant Anāthapiṇḍika (Pāli), Anāthapiṇḍada (Sanskrit) in Sāvatthi (Pāli) or Śrāvastī (Sanskrit).

The excavated remains at Saheth have been identified as Jetavana through archaeological research. Here the Buddha is said to have spent his twenty-four rainy seasons.

Anāthapiṇḍika covers Jetavana with coins (Bharhut)

Gandhakuti (Buddha’s hut)

Anandabodhi tree in Jetavana monastery

Showing some small stupas

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